Education International
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and with the support of the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education (MEP), the collaborative project CoRiCert is coordinated and implemented by Arbeit und Leben Hamburg from February 2023 to January 2025.
The project works in accordance with the Directive on the Funding of Implementation Projects of Economic and Social Partner Organizations in the framework of International Vocational Training Cooperation (WiSoVet in German: Richtlinie zur Förderung von Implementierungsprojekten von Organisationen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpartner im Rahmen der internationalen Berufsbildungszusammenarbeit).
Aim of the Project
The aim of the implementation project CoRiCert in international vocational education and training cooperation is to build on work and developed capacities, instruments and operational models in Costa Rica and Germany and to transfer them into a country-specific, demand-oriented model for Costa Rica.
The overall objective of CoRiCert is the development and pilot testing of models and instruments for testing and certification in the context of dual vocational training courses in Costa Rica. The goal is to offer support in the development and pilot implementation of new examination models and instruments in the dual vocational training, for the vocational training courses web development and electrical engineering.
The project is carried out together with the partners University of Osnabrück and ZWH (Zentralstelle für die Weiterbildung im Handwerk e. V.). CoRiCert will develop and implement State-wide procedures for determining occupational competence together with the German partners and the Costa Rican actors, as well as further the development of training plans and provide recommendations for action.
Yaiza Rojas Matas (project management)
phone+ 49 (0)40 284016-21
Alina Weber (educational consultant)
phone +49 (0)40 284016-81
Project Partners
Arbeit und Leben Hamburg is a partner in the CoRiCert project. The project is carried out in cooperation with the University of Osnabrück and the ZWH (Zentralstelle für die Weiterbildung im Handwerk e. V.) im Handwerk e. V.) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.