Welcome to Arbeit und Leben Hamburg
Our goal is to distribute opportunities in education, work and society more equitably for people. To this end, we implement educational and advisory services with our network partners in Hamburg, Germany and around the world.
For social cohesion and a strong democracy.
Fair labour market
Multilingual consulting
- Service Center for the Free Movement of Workers
- IQ Projekt „Faire Integration“
- INQA-Coaching
- KOMPASS – help for solo self-employed people
- RZ.N – Regional Future Center
Education international
Qualify professionally – network worldwide
- Pathways to Europe for all
- Move On! Your chance in Europe
- Future4VET
- CoRiCert
Basic education & participation
Consulting, Information & Seminars
- Good prospects – basic qualifications in the company
- Diversity in the working world (VidA)
- Advisory Service handicap
- Billenetz
Political education
For a strong community
- Educational leave, seminars and events
- Political youth education
- empower – Counseling for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence
- Mobile Counseling Team against Right-Wing Extremism (MBT)
District Billenetz
Education in the neighborhood:
- Projects and offers for children, young people and adults in Billstedt, Hamm, Horn and Rothenburgsort
- MüHoBi – movement and health
- BerUnA – advice and support in finding work
- Brochure with apprenticeship places in the east of Hamburg
Advisory Service handicap
Service for people with disabilities:
- Advice and information for employee representatives
- Training offers
Arbeit und Leben Bildungswerk
Do you have a need for further training on topics such as international training, securing skilled workers, diversity management, digitalization processes in the world of work, training for works councils and interest groups?
We offer consulting and qualification for your employees as well as for personnel and management staff.